Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Metaphorical "Carboxylic Acid Party"

In class, we just finished a unit on Carboxylic Acid derivatives and their reactions. Ironically, Kaplan is currently covering the same material for the Organic Chemistry review. Here's Kaplan's perspective of Carboxylic Acid derivatives... it's a party.

"...If you were a molecule with free electrons, you'd probably think that carboxylic acids were a party. It's true: carboxylic acids have many of the same characteristics as parties. First, they provide a place where all nucleophiles are welcome. ...In addition, it's just like a party where the guests keep coming and going; some guests stay for a while (amines), and others just pop in and out to make an appearance (halides). Throughout this chapter, we will discuss this party and the different names that carboxylic acid derivatives carry, depending on the guests that are present. ...The nice thing about this party is that, similar to parties with humans, everyone comes in the same way. Some people drive and some take cabs, but everyone must walk through the same front door."

The next time you start getting down about carboxylic acid derivatives, cheer up! Like Kaplan says, "It's a party!" (Added copious amounts of enthusiasm)

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