Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Practice questions for ACS final

Hi Folks,
Here is a website I found which has a lot of practice problems to help us prepare for the ACS final. There are links to various topics with a lot practice problems. You might want to try it and see how you have mastered a particular area/ topic:

Good Luck studying!


  1. Hi...... I was wondering if someone could summarize how to understand if something is a doublet...triplet... quartet..ect.. I believe you count the hydrogens beside of the carbon. And I am also having trouble telling the difference between downfield and upfield.

  2. Down-field is counter intuitive, it is to the left (higher freq.). The signal is more down-field the closer it is to an electron withdrawing group or atom. As for the proton splitting, yes you count all the hydrogens that are the same on carbons next to it, then add one (N+1 rule).

  3. Thank you for posting this Frank! It'll definitely come in handy over the next 5 days.
