Monday, April 1, 2013

test questions


Ma'am, i live an hr away and have two children. i only come to Uncg on MWF. I will not be able to make the review session. I have some questions:
for the exam, will we need to know any of ch. 15 that we have already done? the ortho, meta, para info was in Ch. 16 and i thought that was where we started off for this test on Wednesday. Is the exam going to be as long as the first one or more like the second? i thought your second test was great.


  1. We didn't finish Chapter 15 before the last exam, but really if you know Chapter 16 well you should know Chapter 15.

    The exam will likely be a bit harder than the second exam, but hopefully similar in length.

  2. Speaking of the Review Session - I have written down that it's at 5:00 pm this afternoon, but which room will it be in?
