Sunday, April 21, 2013

Need Help- ChemDraw

Hi All,
I just installed Chemdraw and I cannot figure out how to use it to draw structures for my formal report. Can anyone walk me through how to use it to draw organic structures?



  1. Frank,

    When you say you're using, "ChemDraw," is that the exact name of the program? The only reason I'm asking is because my download included an entire software package called, "ChemBioOffice." There are several other programs in it, which do funky things like creating 3D models, providing H-NMR, IR, Mass Spec, etc.

    If you opened the right program, you should see a menu bar at the top and on the right. The one on the right has templates of molecules already created for you. You just have to add the details (i.e. single, double, triple bonds, lone pairs, etc.)

    There's no need to worry about drawing the structures correctly. The program has an editor similar to the ones found in word processing programs that will underline/highlight any errors.

    I hope this helps!

  2. So I found this image on google that explains what each tool does on the menu bar. I hope this helps you!!,d.eWU&psig=AFQjCNGj-eoH4SzvgH8TVSkdTJqCBi_RTQ&ust=1366736007650261

    (you should scroll down to the vey bottom to find the specific picture I'm talking about)

  3. Not sure if you are still looking for info on it, but I used this pdf from UMass when I was trying to figure it out.
