Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello everyone,

As the semester comes to a close, and for most of us the school year, i think we should reflect on Organic Chemistry as a whole. I began this class last semester thinking it was going to be the hardest course around. I had been told since high school to dread Organic Chemistry and to avoid it at all cost. I bought the Organic Chemistry I for dummies before starting the school year and found it to be very helpful. It was information I did not fully understand, but it prepared me for what was to come. I experienced the first week of Organic, and was thoroughly surprised at how duable! it was. Meaning it was not the nightmare I had imagined. I knew I needed to stay on top of my game, and so I did ending that semester with an A. This second semester was slightly more challenging. There were more reactions and I began with a new instructor. The class time was also shorter from my previous class period, so there was some getting use to. I have to say I did not think I could learn so many reactions and actually understand what I was doing. I thank both my instructors for their vast knowledge of the material and how they taught the information. I only hope I can demonstrate the knowledge I have gained on this ACS exam! Blessings to all, it has been nice!

PageCarol Woods

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