Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ranking Help

So I finally figured this one out, after numerous attempts. I have read the solution on why it is what it is. However, I am having the hardest time REALLY understanding why the nitrile goes in that position. I know it has to do with it not having a carbonyl like the others, but can someone express this to me in SIMPLER terms??



  1. omg me too!! I'm having trouble understanding that too :/

  2. I actually think that I might have figured it out!
    So in the first place, the nitrile is included there because the functional carbon atom has the same oxidation state as the other carbonyl groups. And because it is "less polarized than the neutral carbonyl carbon that is attached to an oxygen atom", it would be less electrophilic than the other carbonyl compounds, but more electrophilic than the carboxylate ion which has resonance that make it more stable and in its role less electrophilic.
    I hope this helped

  3. @JSP - thank you for posting this question, I found it confusing as well.

    @Rawaa - thank you for the explanation!
