Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Study Tips

Since I did pretty well on the last exam, I thought I would share a few tips that helped me to succeed.

1) SIP is pretty helpful. If you can make it, you should definitely go, especially if you have questions.
2) Go over the sapling problems more than once. I found it helpful to go over the earlier homework problems again closer to the test because I had forgotten some key points that the homework points out. Going over the earleir homework problems helped refresh my memory.
3) Do problems in the book. The more practice you get before the exam, the less time you will waste and the less likely you will run out of time on the exam.
4)Review reactions from previous exams/ last semester. The more reactions you know the better you will do on the synthesis problems.
5) Practice drawing mechanisms. Drawing these over and over can prevent you from making silly mistakes when drawing out mechanisms on the exam.
6) Instead of just memorizing reactions, try to understand why they do what they do. This will help with the multiple choice on the exam.

If I think of anything else. I will add it. In the meantime, I hope these six tips will help.Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. You have a point there when you said silly mistakes. I lost 10 points on the first exam because I didn't count my carbons and I forgot to show charges when doing the mechanism. As you said I will practice more of those so that I don't repeat the same mistakes.Thanks for the advice.
