Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 11 Sapling Homework

On number 8 in the sapling homework for chapter 11, I have some trouble finding the product of the reaction sequence. I have to find the product  from a cyclohexene adding PhCOOH, EtLi then H3O+, and PCC. It would be great if any of you can help me figure out this problem. I want to know how it forms the product.
 I have been having trouble with finding the product or the mechanism with like this problem. It would take me forever, so many tries, just to find an answer but I still not understand it. Is there any trick to  start to understand problem like this so it would be easier to do the problem? Or are there certain steps I need to do in order to get to the right answer? 

1 comment:

  1. Mai, I think a lot of us have the same troubles when it comes to synthesis problems, but one thing that helps me go through them, is that I try to visualize the mechanism of each step and see what the actual product is going to look like. Another thing, in sapling they give us different reagents to chose from, try to think about which one does what, and whether you think they will help you in the kind of reaction you're doing.
    Also, a trick I use is that when I don't know how to do a problem, I start putting the first reagent and its product that I think should be right, and try to go from there, then submit when I'm stuck somewhere, sapling will tell you if you're on the right track or no, that usually helps me a lot!
    I hope that helps, and good luck :)
