Sunday, February 24, 2013

Quiz #5

I have a question about Quiz #5. The second question that entailed circling the compounds that are aromatic. Why is the third compound not aromatic? There are two double bonds in the cyclohexene ring, but there is also a pair of elctrons on another carbon. That acts as another pair and resonance is possible more than once. Why is it not aromatic?


  1. Hello,

    The third compound from question 2 of quiz 5 is not aromatic because one of the carbons in the ring is sp3 hypridized, and therefore there is not an uninterrupted cloud of pi electrons above and below the ring. I know the professor totally answered this in class so my comment here is kind of pointless...

  2. I think this question was tricky. Petersen did briefly go over the answer in class, but elaborated on the note below so it may make a little more sense.
