Monday, January 21, 2013

Synthesis Reactions

Has anyone found a way to separate the synthesis reactions in a way that flows more easily. Maybe categorically? I think that after I read Chapter 10, I'm going to try to make some type of chart.


  1. I went through all the chapters and made notes of just reactions, showing both the general reaction with its products and then the mechanism. Also included any pertinent rules, such as always check for rearrangement with carbocations, etc. I keep these sheets in the front of my binder, so that whenever I need to consult it, it's easily found. This is a lot easier than having to search through notes and the book. Also is a good review to have to write it all down again. I also found a flow chart for substitution and elimination through UCLA. I'm also creating a sheet of functional groups that I'm keeping in the same place as the reactions to make it easier to look things up.,d.eWU

  2. ^ same here.
    At the end of each chapter there is a summary of reactions within that chapter. Chapters 4 and 6 have good summaries that really helped me with synthesis. I also made my own chart based on these at the end of each chapter.
