Monday, January 28, 2013

Suggestion for Study Group

One thing I know I've struggled with in O Chem at times is feeling like I'm able to follow along in class well and complete the homework.  It sometimes gives a false sense of preparation, and of course practice is always the best policy.  I know when I'm trying to study or practice by myself there is always the temptation to "cheat" and glance at notes or the text while trying to solve a problem.  It usually provides the, "Oh yeah, I get that," response.

It hasn't proven to be the best solution for me, and if anyone else is interested in forming a study group I wanted to suggest a format that I think might be effective.  I was thinking if anyone on here is interested in forming a study group, a Wednesday or Thursday time might be ideal.  By then the topics have been covered in class, and it's a convenient review right before quiz time on Friday.

As a format I was thinking each person could come with a "quiz" type question, i.e. a synthesis reaction, which they have completed and are fully ready to explain.  Each question can be distributed to the group, and allowed typical "quiz" time (5 or so minutes to complete), and then discussed.

Obviously this will work better for smaller groups, but I thought this seemed like a good place to test the interest and availability of anyone that would like to participate.  I'd be happy to coordinate times and locations, but wanted to see what the interest level was.  You're welcome to e-mail me at my student account (  Appreciate any feedback or suggestions as well.

Good luck, and best wishes on getting off to a good semester.


  1. I would love to participate, however the e-mail that you posted here bounced back to me.

    You can e-mail me at if you have any more details?
