Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mechanisms: Ring formation in Acid-Catalyzed Reaction

In Chapter 10 of Organic Chemistry (Bruice), there is a practice problem that requires the use of H2SO4 in order to create THF (Tetrahydrofuran) and H2O. The starting material(SM)  is 1,4-Butanediol.

The trick to this is remembering that because the SM only contains sigma bonds that it's able to rotate and spin around.

Step 1:

*Remember because there is only 1 Equivalent they both won't do the same thing.

First protonate a hydroxyl group. This will form water with a positive charge.

Step 2:

The electrons on the remaining hydroxyl will be attracted to the positive H2O (Leaving Group)

Step 3:

Lastly Oxygen should be bonded to the terminal carbon on the opposite side of the molecule.

Water being an awesome base will pull of the remaining Hydrogen that is attached to the carbon resulting in the Final Product!

Happy Studying!!

- Cosmo+

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