Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Something to help with remembering lectures

Since others have posted their tips for helping to study and learn reactions, I thought that I would share something that I am doing differently this semester and it seems to be helpful so far.  After class, when I get home, I rewrite the notes from that day.  This not only allows me to make them more legible and more organized, but makes you go over what you did that day.  It works better if you rewrite your notes on the same day you had class.  I feel like often in class we are going pretty quickly and for me at least, I'm busy trying to take notes but don't really get a chance to really process what we are talking about.  By redoing my notes, it helps and actually helps me remember some of what was said in class.

1 comment:

  1. Lol great ideas! I did this all the times and I actually help a lot. Although it is tedious, I actually remember things better when I write them down, especially right after the lecture.
