Sunday, May 5, 2013

Last minute tips on IR spectroscopy

This is just an fyi for those still studying:
C=O absorbs around 1700cm-1, C-O 1100cm-1
O-H absorbs around 3450cm-1
C=O for ketone is approx 1720 and carboxylic acid approx 1740cm-1. For esters, also look for bands at 1050 and 1250cm-1.
C triple bond C - 2100cm-1, C=C 1650cm-1, and C-C 1300- 800cm-1
C triple bond N- 2200cm-1, C=N 1600cm-1 and C-N 110cm-1
Hydrogens attached to sp carbon will show a stretch at 3300cm-1, hydrogen attached to sp2 will show a stretch around 3100cm-1, and sp3 carbon bonded to a hydrogen will show a stretch around 2900cm-1.
Aldehyde also show two bands at 2820 and 2720cm-1
The O-H absorption in carboxylic acids will show a broad peak at 3300- 2500cm-1.
N-H shows a narrower peak which is more intense at 3300cm-1
Absence at 720 indicate that a compound has fewer than CH2 groups.
Absorption band at 980 indicates a trans.
 Hope these helps!
Good luck tomorrow.


  1. Haha Thanks Franks! I was looking for these!

  2. I was looking at this earlier as well. I'm not sure how accurate this is for the ACS Exam, but it was what I was told in Organic I. My professor said not to worry about anything below 1800 or so.. The three major bands to know are the carbonyl band, carboxylic band, and alcohol band. The reason for knowing the carboxylic is because it is really similar to the alcohol absorption and can only be distinguished by the difference in broadness.

  3. I agree with you, but it will also be helpful to know some some other peaks to eliminate some of the options in the multiple choice: carbon nitrogen, amides, benzene rings, and carbon carbon single, double or triple bonds.

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