Friday, March 22, 2013

Sapling Homework Hint - #19


Here's some help with Question 19 from the Sapling Homework.

To find the mechanism, you need to go back to Chapter 15 - Aromaticity & Reactions of Benzene. This particular reaction is Bromination, which can be found on p. 639. The last two steps look as follows:

 I had to do this problem a couple times and couldn't figure out where I went wrong. Here's a couple hints:

1. Make sure all Br molecules have the right number of unpaired electrons.
2. Make sure the charges are correct on the electrophile.

Also, the book uses the abbreviation B: for base. I've always used, H20, but for this problem, Sapling wants you to use FeBr4 as the base. You don't need to include HB+, HBr, or HB: in either of the two last answers.

Hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. I was actually stuck in the third step of this problem, because I couldn't figure out what base I should use. I tried Br- and putting "B:" for base-- did not work, I didn't think of your way because for some reason I though that we would get FeBr4 as a byproduct :/
    But thanks alot, that really helped!!
